Christmas might be oldest holiday that are celebrated by many cultures. And, interestingly, although it is traditionally celebrated during the winter season, there are places that celebrate it during their summer (Australia where December is actually their summer!) Before Christmas was celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, people were already celebrating it! The celebration was held for the Winter Solstice, celebrated on December 21 in the northern hemisphere. This is because it was after the Winter Solstice that the worst part of the year was behind them, the days began to get longer, giving the people more time to spend outside on their crops and tending to their animals.
Now, let’s focus on the ancient: - in ancient pagan Rome, the Saturnalia is a celebration of the Winter Solstice. This was celebrated in honor of the god of agriculture, who was named Saturn. During this celebration, the entire Roman Empire is in a state of social disarray, i.e. Servants and peasants spend time with and celebrate the holiday with people of higher classes, which would not happen during “normal days”. The Saturnalia festival in itself can last an entire week and during that time, people rejoiced all over the country of Rome.
The phrase 'eat, drink, and be merry' was played out to its fullest. Shops and businesses are closed during the Festival of Saturnalia. Following the first week of Saturnalia, the festival itself usually ends, but the Saturnalia period itself does not end. I mean, I am sure there are other ancients that celebrated “Christmas” although not in the strictest sense, the way as we celebrate in present time. Just one more nuggets before I conclude this article: the Chinese also held a celebration during this time, loosely translated; it is known as the rice ball festival. This marks the last of the lunar calendar month, and delicious rice balls are made and eaten to celebrate a good year and for reunion.
About The Author
Ebenezer Heng Chee Leng is the editor of, which provides quality Christmas related links and articles to better the joyous occasion. He reviews and ensures all contributions lead to a fun and easy online shopping experience for Christmas gifts
About The Author
Ebenezer Heng Chee Leng is the editor of, which provides quality Christmas related links and articles to better the joyous occasion. He reviews and ensures all contributions lead to a fun and easy online shopping experience for Christmas gifts
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